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Indiana University-Purdue University
Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Fine Arts Center
This project is being constructed in two phases. The first phase involves the renovation of portions of the existing ceramics & sculpture building, as well as the renovation of an adjacent university maintenance building to accommodate new studios and instructional spaces. The second phase of the project will construct new gallery and classroom spaces, an addition that will join the two existing buildings into one, with an outdoor courtyard between.
Loftus Engineering was responsible for all aspects of the mechanical, electrical, and telecommunications design, including the addition of HVAC to the renovated studio spaces. Existing plumbing and fire protection systems were adapted to the remodeled space and extended into the new addition. Lighting, lighting controls, general and equipment power, telecommunications, fire alarm, and data systems were also designed to accommodate the renovation and addition.
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
Lighting Design
10,000 Renovated Square Feet
​9,800 New Square Feet
Ratio Architects