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About Us
Mechanical Engineering

Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Hospital

Paqui and Brian Kelly

Cardiac Rehabilitation

CDU Patient Holding

MRI Replacement and Renovation

EMU Control Room Expansion

Wound Care Expansion

8 East PICU Patient Room Build-Out

Riverside Hall Renovation
For Clinic and Teaching Facility

Nationwide Children’s Hospital

Campus Mechanical and Electrical Master Plan

Myers Hall Classrooms

10-Year Lighting Master Plan

Discovery Park

Electrical Engineering and Multiple Building Renovations (EGP)

Roger B. Gatewood Wing of the Mechanical Engineering Building

Hampton Hall of Civil Engineering Ground Floor and Basement Renovations

Heine Pharmacy Building

James B. Dworkin Student Services and Activities Complex

Krach Leadership Center

Martin C. Jischke Hall – The Innovation Wing

Purdue Wetherill Interaction Common

Renovation of Grissom Hall

Third Street Suites

Visiting our Solar System Interactive Exhibit

Muncie Ball Building

Kokomo Campus Building KTBY2

Fort Wayne Helmke Library

Sidney & Lois Eskenazi Fine Arts Center

Elliot Wagoner Dining Facility

Worthen Arena

Wabash Residence Hall

Delphi Center

Ekstrom Lobby

Residence Hall Lakeside Apartments

New Parking Access and Control Systems Building (PARCS)

Downtown Parking Garage

Mid-America Science Park

Franklin High School

Classroom Renovations and Addition

Harshman Middle School

Ralph Waldo Emerson School 58

Lew Wallace Elementary School 107

Rousseau McClellan Elementary School 91